
The Studio is located on our property at 7980 Lavender Lane, Ferndale WA 98248.

** Important note** If you live in Lynden do not think I am far away because of the Ferndale address. We live about 3 miles West of the Lynden Safeway. So it really feels like Lynden.  It is also a quick trip from Ferndale so wherever you are coming from it is worth the trip. You can get directions at or see below
From Birch Bay Lynden Road you will turn south on Rathbone Rd.  Then you will turn left on Parklyn, which is the 2nd Rd you will come to.  When you turn onto Parklyn Way you will see this is a housing development, we do not live right in the development. Follow this all the way to where it looks like it dead ends into a house. Stay on the paved road, curve right and then you will curve left past a dairy Farm. Continue on the paved road and curve left on Lavender Lane. Follow that all the way to the end. We have a 2 story green house with our name and address out front. You will see the studio in front of you as you pull in our driveway.